Audio by Senior Airman Gage Rodriguez | AFN Incirlik | 02.06.2023
Master Sgt. Bryan Dudley, 39th Civil Engineer Squadron installation emergency manager, gives safety tips on how to prepare for a disaster and what to do during an earthquake at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, Feb. 6, 2023. (Department of Defense Radio News by Senior Airman Gage Rodriguez)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Milton Hamilton | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.06.2023
Today’s Story: Hiring Overseas Spouses
Audio by Allen Meeks | U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command | 02.06.2023
Welcome back to The High Ground, the official podcast of U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command. Kicking off Season 3 of the podcast, host Ayumi Davis talks with CSM Finis A. Dodson, USASMDC command sergeant major, about how and why he joined the military, his ‘loooooooong’ 35-year military career, and the special mentors who helped him become the person he is today. Released......
Audio by Seaman Johnny Garcia | AFN Rota | 02.06.2023
Rear Adm. Cynthia Kuehner, commander of Naval Medical Forces Support Command, was part of a panel that spoke before the South Texas Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives during the Healthcare Landscape Conference Jan. 27....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Aaron Sperle | AFN Rota | 02.06.2023
Navy & Marine Corps Relief Society Services and Quick Assist Loans
Audio by Senior Airman Taylor Slater | AFN Incirlik | 02.06.2023
AFN Incirlik recently hosted interviewed two liaisons from the Senior Airman Below the Zone promotions board as part of their unit Spotlight Series. Airman 1st Class Gabriel Brown, 39th Force Support Squadron outbound assignments technician, explained what SrA BTZ is and Airman 1st Class Jaidah Wheeler, 39th FSS outbound assignments techinician, talked about how applying for BTZ is important......
Audio by Eugene Garcia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 02.06.2023
Host Mark Schauer talks with Jason Swain, Chief of YPG’s Instrumentation Division, about the staggering array of high tech equipment used to record, quantify, and verify performance of the Army’s most cutting edge weapons systems. Plus, Schauer chats with YPG Police Chief Donnie Lucas about the importance of community policing and his time working a security detail for Generals Colin......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jill Maynus | 178th Wing | 02.05.2023
On this episode of Beyond the Horizon, we sat down with the winner of the state of Ohio's Outstanding Airman of the Year, SSgt. Emily Thompson. She helped us learn more about her, what she's done throughout her career, advice for other Airman, and her plans for the future. (U.S. Air National Guard podcast by SrA. Jillian Maynus)....