Audio by Staff Sgt. Jazmin Granger | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 12.02.2022
Today's Story: Defending the Homeland
Audio by Adam Reese | White House Communications Agency | 12.02.2022
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Boston, MA
Audio by Jason Kriess | Joint Force Headquarters - Washington National Guard | 12.02.2022
On today's show I sit down and chat with a few members of the Dustoff team over at the Army aviation facility. In October, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Ryan Kennedy and his crew piloted their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter out near Leavenworth, Washington to help rescue an injured hiker and transport them to safety. This is something that they train for a lot but don't necessarily get to do it as a......
Audio by Master Sgt. Jessica Roles | 189th Airlift Wing | 12.02.2022
Safety is applied to what we do every day. During the holidays, there are extra precautions to take while traveling, decorating, cooking, and more. The 189th Airlift Wing Safety Office shares best practices each year during the holidays hoping the outcome will result in at least one less fall off a ladder or no fried turkeys catapulted across the yard. Check out the latest podcast for safety......
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 12.01.2022
In the fourth installment of the SRAD Director’s Corner, Shatzer focuses on the Taiwan/China relationship. He reviews The Trouble with Taiwan: History, the United States and a Rising China by Kerry Brown and Kalley Wu Tzu-hui and Taiwan Straits Standoff: 70 Years of PRC–Taiwan Cross-Strait Tensions by Bruce A. Elleman and shows how these books might help strategists better understand the......
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jonathan Nye | AFN Bahrain | 12.01.2022
Holiday seasons greeting from Vice Adm. John Mustin, Chief of Navy Reserve, and Reserve Force Master Chief Tracy Hunt. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan P. Nye/Released)...
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jonathan Nye | AFN Bahrain | 12.01.2022
Army vs Navy radio spot featuring Vice Adm. John Mustin, Chief of Navy Reserve. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan P. Nye)...
Audio by Spc. Amanda McLean | AFN Humphreys | 12.01.2022
Colonel Graves the USAG Humphreys Commander and CSM Lemon the garrison Command Sergeant Major came into studio to make sure that USAG Humphreys closes the 2022 year stronger than we started....