Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Annaliss Candelaria | AFN Guantanamo Bay | 11.10.2022
An AFN Now spot describing registration requirements and ways to get help.
Audio by Collen McGee | Fort Riley Public Affairs Office | 11.10.2022
In honor of Veterans Day, this episode brings you excerpts from interviews with two 1st Infantry Division Soldiers who served during World War II. To hear more stories about those who have served before us, visit the Library of Congress Veterans History Project....
Audio by Tonya Smith | Marine Corps Systems Command | 11.10.2022
Have you ever wondered how Marines who might be operating out in the middle of nowhere have access to fuel and clean drinking water? These two resources are critical to sustaining our Marines in any environment. From fueling our bodies to powering our vehicles, clean water and fuel are vital to the survivability of our forces. Current and future operating environments require resilient and......
Audio by Master Sgt. Brandy Fowler | Air National Guard | 11.10.2022
Command Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams sits down with Command Sgt. Maj. John Raines, command sergeant major of the Army National Guard, to discuss how a positive attitude is a force multiplier. Thirteen Ways to Lead is an in-depth look at the leadership principles of Air National Guard’s 13th Command Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Brandt Self | Media Center - Japan | 11.10.2022
On this Pacific Pulse: Eielson Air Force Base exercised the capability to accomplish their mission while countering chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats during Golden Raven 23-1, in the Philippines the “Red Lancers” of Patrol Squadron 10 participated in exercise Sama Sama-Lumbas, and in Washington, Colin Kahl speaks on the ever-growing need of improving deterrence capabilities....
Audio by Brandon Mejia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 11.10.2022
Host Mark Schauer talks with Sean Franklin of YPG’s Technology and Investments Directorate, who was recently named one of Yuma County, Arizona’s ’20 under 40’ young professionals. Plus, Schauer chats with physical scientist Larry Nelson, a national championship-winning competition shooter and pilot who built his own airplane....
Audio by Larry Collette | Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic | 11.09.2022
Technically Speaking It’s More Than 3D Printing (Ep.3) Technically speaking NIWC Atlantic has a 3D printer! But it’s SO much more that that… the 3D printing is one small part that makes up all of the sophisticated manufacturing machinery within the On Demand Manufacturing (ODM) Lab. Chelsie talks with Hunter Smith, ODM Lab Engineering Manager, who explains the significance of the lab......
Audio by Jeffrey Sexton | The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School | 11.09.2022
This case explores some of the limits on a victim’s unsworn statement under RCM 1001A (now RCM 1001(c)).