Audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad | AFN Kaiserslautern | 09.15.2022
A radio segment during an interview with Chief Master Sgt. Charmaine Kelley, 86th Airlift Wing command chief.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad | AFN Kaiserslautern | 09.15.2022
A radio segment detailing a new initiative introduced by Chief Master Sgt. Charmaine Kelley, 86th Airlift Wing command chief....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad | AFN Kaiserslautern | 09.15.2022
A news update detailing the efforts to admit Sweden and Finland into NATO.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad | AFN Kaiserslautern | 09.15.2022
A radio commercial advertising Stars and Stripes' Best of Germany promotion.
Audio by Brandon Mejia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 09.15.2022
From the punishing jungle of U.S. Army Tropic Regions Test Center (TRTC), host Mark Schauer talks with Senior Test Officer Rolando Ayala about more than 30 years of tropical testing on behalf of the United States military and private industry. Plus, Schauer chats with Property Administrator Ivett Gutierrez about her unique career path to TRTC and passion for yoga....
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 09.14.2022
Nuclear weapons have vastly raised the stakes and potential costs of crisis, making leadership and related human qualities of judgment and temperament crucial. This podcast analyzes one exceptionally dangerous US-Soviet confrontation, which barely averted war. Military and policy professionals will see how understanding the perspectives, incentives, and limitations of opponents is important in......
Audio by Spc. Amanda McLean | AFN Humphreys | 09.14.2022
Spot for USFK Suicide Intervention Hotline for AFN Humphreys Radio
Audio by Cpl. Chase Drayer | AFN - Iwakuni | 09.14.2022
Scoped show from AFN Iwakuni's Morning Powerhouse with hosts Cpl. Chase W. Drayer and Lance Cpl. Brian Bolin Jr. Stories include senior leaders calling on service members to stop doing annual training, a public service announcement for the MCX 125 birthday, and an AFN Now promotion. AFN Iwakuni provides service to U.S. military members, civilians and their families stationed on and around MCAS......