Audio by Timothy Sandland | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 08.05.2022
This month’s show features an interview with Rodney Norman, an inspiring comedian and former U.S. Marine. Rodney talks about his path to social media stardom and some of the life lessons that the service imparted on him that he uses in his daily life. In this month’s command message we hear from Colonel Sean Riley, commander of the 102nd Intelligence Wing. Colonel Riley shares his......
Audio by Senior Airman Camerron Niewoehner | Regional Media Center AFN Europe | 08.04.2022
On today's EUCOM Refresh: -- On Monday, Commander of the Operational Department of the Joint Forces Operational Command, Major General Achille Cazzaniga, officiated the welcome ceremony for the Italian Eurofighter detachment Air Task Force "White Eagle" deployed to support safeguarding NATO's skies above the Baltic region flying out of Malbork, Poland. -- -- Eight NEX locations around......
Audio by Kelly Flynn | Marine Corps Systems Command | 08.04.2022
Marine Corps Systems Command is responsible for a lot of high-value gear, but our people remain our most valuable asset. One office at Marine Corps Systems Command is tasked with the great responsibility of ensuring our Marines are safe and preventable mishaps are eliminated throughout the acquisition process— the Command Safety Office. The Command Safety Office provides assistance and......
Audio by Eileen Williamson | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division | 08.04.2022
This extended water management call includes an update on the Missouri River mainstem reservoir system operations as well as from the Omaha District Drought coordinator. While the Missouri River basin has seen improved runoff for two consecutive months, it is not enough to overcome the long-term drought persisting in much of the basin. July runoff in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City,......
Audio by Angela Freyermuth | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters | 08.04.2022
After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico had significant infrastructure damage and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been working with locals to reduce flooding and ensure public health and safety for the citizens of Puerto Rico. Funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and emergency supplemental acts have provided a unique opportunity to construct new projects and promote......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Benjamin Cooper | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 08.04.2022
Today's Story: Battle Lab Success
Audio by Master Sgt. Andrew Sinclair | 101st Air Refueling Wing | 08.04.2022
KC-46. Recruiting. IMR. Let's talk about them with Colonel Gillis.
Audio by Francis Lee Reynolds | U.S. Army Center of Military History | 08.04.2022
A discussion with historian Dr. Peter G. Knight about the Army in the Civil War years of 1862-1863 concluding with the battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg. This is part three of a seven part series about the Army in the Civil War....