Audio by Tech. Sgt. Cesaron White | 126th Air Refueling Wing | 05.13.2022
Senior Airmen Thomas Tate, 126th Logistics Readiness Squadron, is our guest on Roll Call. Tate and Tech Sgt Ces White talk about Tate’s Air Force lineage PEVs, and the viability of PEVs on Scott Air Force Base....
Audio by Master Sgt. Brandy Fowler | Air National Guard | 05.13.2022
Command Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams speaks with Command Chief Timothy White with the Air Reserve Command on why upholding standards is a critical element of effective leadership. Thirteen Ways to Lead is an in-depth look at the leadership principles of Air National Guard’s 13th Command Chief Master Sgt. Maurice L. Williams...
Audio by Samir Deshpande and Terry Welch | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 05.13.2022
Promo for the first season of WRAIR Science, a podcast about military medical research by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mikayla Daly | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.13.2022
Today's Story: Vermont Goes to Europe
Courtesy Audio | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 05.13.2022
In this episode of the Marne Report, Jenny Walker sits down and talks to Army Community Service financial readiness counselor Christine Reef all about being financially set to successfully PCS. Listen on your favorite podcast app today!...
Audio by Spc. Valesia Gaines | AFN Humphreys | 05.13.2022
June 17th 2022, Osan is hosting a spades tournament with hopes of becoming the largest spades tournament in the world.
Audio by Airman 1st Class Isabella Ortega | AFN Spangdahlem | 05.12.2022
A 15 second spot PSA for AFN Spangdahlem advertising the importance of keeping up with car maintenance.
Audio by Kelly Flynn | Marine Corps Systems Command | 05.12.2022
Conducting amphibious operations is part of the Marine Corps DNA and amphibious vehicles have been a critical component to Marine Corps operations since their introduction during WWII. The names and models have changed but one thing has remained constant since their development. Before many of them first crossed the surf in the Pacific, they most likely spent some time in the shores of......