Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 06.16.2021
Listen in for an update to the COVID-19 policy.
Audio by Senior Airman Kahdija Slaughter | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 06.16.2021
Today’s Story: Electric Aircraft Tested
Audio by Rebecca Johnson | U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Command | 06.16.2021
This is episode 39 of the podcast, Eagles, Globes, and Anchors, from Marine Corps University, featuring our host, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Johnson's guests are Dr. Lauren Mackenzie, MCU Professor for Cross-Cultural Competence and co-chair of MCU's WPS Committee, and LtCol Emanuel Zepeda, Deputy Director of the Krulak Center and the Marine Corps' WPS Point......
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Hannah Fry | AFN Rota | 06.16.2021
Eagle Rota News piece about the 2021 Eurasia Partnership Shiphandling Event in Varna, Bulgaria.
Audio by Airman 1st Class Christopher Chen | AFN Spangdahlem | 06.15.2021
30 second radio spot for the Spangdahlem USO's latest updates regarding entrance and admittance.
Audio by 1st Lt. Pawel Puczko | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 06.15.2021
III Marine Expeditionary Force Commanding General, Lt. Gen. H. Stacy Clardy, interviews with Yomiuri Shimbun reporter Keisuke Yano (矢野 恵祐) in Okinawa, Japan, June 15, 2021....
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeffrey Sherman | AFN Rota | 06.15.2021
Stand up paddle board tour in Rota radio spot
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeffrey Sherman | AFN Rota | 06.15.2021
Wacky Wednesday water fight spot.