Audio by Senior Airman Trevor Gordnier | Media Center - Japan | 05.06.2021
Marines and Sailors participate in Northern Edge 21, Secretary Blinken meets with Foreign Minister Chung, and a Coast Guard and Navy performed joint maritime law enforcement boardings....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Logan Beeney | AFN Okinawa | 05.06.2021
In Japan, misconduct on the roads can lead to hefty fines and other punishments.
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 05.06.2021
Listen in for information on the Transition Assistance Program.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Adam Ross | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 05.06.2021
Our two guests today have a unique perspective on serving in Korea and with 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command. Col. John (Chris) Brookie first arrived in Korea in the mid 80s as a Soldier fresh out of AIT; today he's back in Korea as the Deputy Commander for 19th ESC. CW3 Robert Carle also arrived here as a young Soldier in 2001 and has spent many years in Korea and with 19th ESC. In our......
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Miller | National Guard Bureau - Army National Guard - G3 - Training Division - Leader Development Branch | 05.05.2021
And we're back with another episode of 3 Minute Doctrine! Join us as we discuss Culp's Hill and the principles of defense! Visit our official website: Visit our Facebook page at: Visit our Instagram page at: The views expressed herein are solely the views of individuals for......
Audio by Angela Freyermuth | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters | 05.05.2021
In this episode, Inside the Castle talks with team members from the Collaboration and Public Participation Center of Expertise about how they help the Corps build collaborative capabilities across the agency as well as deliver innovative collaborative processes, tools and techniques that builds a more collaborative culture....
Audio by Adam Reese | Air Force Wounded Warrior Program | 05.05.2021
On this month's Blue & Beyond podcast AFW2 Warrior Adam Boccher sat down with the Empowerment in Transition Program Manager Brad Britt....
Audio by Seaman Apprentice Andrew Eder | AFN Naples | 05.05.2021
Red Cross talks about disaster preparedness apps.