Audio by Master Sgt. Eugene Crist | 130th Airlift Wing | 02.17.2021
Each year, the 130th Airlift Wing recognizes its most outstanding members in four categories. 2021 marks the first year the Outstanding Airman of the Year program has operated under the new wing instruction that focuses on recognizing members achievement over the function of the nomination process. In this episode, we are joined by Command Chief Master Sgt. Kevan Williams to talk about the new......
Audio by Milton Mariani Rodriguez | Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation | 02.17.2021
En este episodio, hablamos con el Coronel Cenen Castillo, Subcomandante de Asuntos Policiales de WHINSEC, Instructor Invitado de la Policía Nacional de Panamá, y el Mayor Rogelio Mata, Director del Centro de Desarrollo de la Facultad de WHINSEC. Durante nuestra conversación hablamos de sus diversas raíces y como su diversidad ha afectado sus vidas y sus carreras......
Audio by Sgt. Tim Andrews | South Carolina National Guard | 02.17.2021
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we talk with U.S. Army Sgt. Tiffany Mullen, and U.S. Army Sgt. Danielle Hall, personnel security representatives, South Carolina National Guard, gives a general overview of security clearances as it relates to service members. The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by Sgt. Tim Andrews with the South Carolina National Guard Public Affairs Office....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Eric Mann | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.17.2021
Today's Story: Valkyries in Europe
Audio by Sgt. Jacob Slaymaker | Regional Media Center AFN Europe | 02.17.2021
Although travel has been restricted, there are no restrictions to locally explore the wilderness. Stay active and keep a healthy mind by enjoying nature during the COVID-19 pandemic....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Adam Ross | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 02.17.2021
U.S. Army Materiel Support Command - Korea, also known as MSC-K, is a unique unit that seems to do a little bit of everything. On this episode of Every Soldier Counts we welcome the MSC-K command team of COL Christopher Noe and SGM David Caleb. After getting to know the two leaders, they help answer the question of what MSC-K does (22:00), what the Korean Service Corps does (28:30), the......
Audio by Angela Freyermuth | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters | 02.16.2021
In this episode of the Inside the Castle, we talk with staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District who are celebrating 150 years of serving South Carolina. Listen and learn how Charleston District has been delivering world-class solutions for South Carolina and the Nation. #CGSCorps150...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris | 99th Readiness Division | 02.16.2021
Welcome to episode three of Generally Speaking, the official podcast of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 99th Readiness Division. In this episode, we check in with our youngest-ever Headquarters Division commander, and speak with one officer whose mission is to employ her fellow veterans in high-tech careers....