Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Tristan Collop | AFN Diego Garcia | 01.14.2021
A spot advertising the bench press challenge.
Audio by Jonathan Stinson | U.S. Army Garrison - Redstone Arsenal | 01.14.2021
CSM Juan Jimenez talks with 1SG Erika Vargas about Army life and staying fit.
Audio by Lance Cpl. Lennon Dregoiw | AFN - Iwakuni | 01.14.2021
Marine Air Control Squadron 4 Air Traffic Control Company L., conduct a Precision Approach Radar (PAR) exercise aboard Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni, Japan, Jan. 13-14, 2021. This was the first time expeditionary PAR equipment has been certified for Instrument Flight Rules services aboard the installation. (U.S. Marine Corps audio file by Lance Cpl. Lennon Dregoiw)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Adam Ross | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 01.14.2021
In the inaugural episode of the Every Soldier Counts Podcast, we talk with the command team of 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Brig. Gen. Steven Allen and Command Sgt. Maj. LaDerek Green. During our conversation, the two leaders discuss their military backgrounds (2:35), endure a lightning round of fast questions (6:00), what "Team 19" and "Every Soldier Counts" mean to them (10:10),......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Samantha Mathison | 960th Cyberspace Wing | 01.14.2021
Col. Richard Erredge, 960th Cyberspace Wing commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Howard, 960th Cyberspace Operations Group superintendent, have an in-depth discussion on trust and how it ties into unit cohesion Jan. 14, 2021, at Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training Annex, Texas. (U.S. Air Force audio by Samantha Mathison)...
Audio by Timothy Sandland | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 01.14.2021
Welcome to 2021. I hope all of you have had a restful holiday season. The first remote drill of calendar year 2021 has been accomplished. As we look on the past year we dealt with a pandemic, we had an inspection by the Air Combat Command Inspector General team. In a sense of deja vu the pandemic is still with us and the IG team will be back in Oct. Social distancing will be the norm......
Courtesy Audio | Air Force Materiel Command | 01.14.2021
On this episode of The Contracting Experience podcast, we welcome Maj. Randall Mullen to share his experiences with deployments in support of the United States military. Mullen discusses what he did to prepare for deployments and what missions he supported. He also shares tough challenges he faced, successes he had with his teams, and how his deployments have shaped his outlook as a leader in......
Audio by Timothy Sandland | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 01.14.2021
On this episode of the 102 IW Warrior Airman Podcast, Tech. Sgt. Mandy Givens, Master Resiliency Trainer, speaks to two staff members from the O2X Human Performance Program who have been contracted by the Massachusetts National Guard to help Airmen and Soldiers achieve personal performance goals. Ms. Gianna Roma, certified Nutritionist and Dietitian, and Mr. Devon Smith, Certified Strength and......