Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 01.04.2021
The stability achieved by the US military in the European Theater of Operations after D-Day was the direct result of good military governance concurrently deployed with combat operations. The role of civil affairs in securing this stability has been under-emphasized in analyses of these operations. But an examination of the historical record of these events reveals the necessity of a skilled,......
Audio by Vincent White | Defense Health Agency | 01.04.2021
In this episode of CUBIST, Amanda and Don discuss the article, “Recovery Profiles after Concussion Among Male Student-Athletes and Service Cadets with a Family History of Neurodegenerative Disease: Data from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium,” written by Adam Harrison and colleagues. The article was published in the Journal of Neurotrauma in December of 2020. Article Citation: Harrison, A.......
Audio by Pfc. Tyler McBride | AFN Bavaria | 01.04.2021
Sports Talk, Should The NBA Get Rid Of Conferences
Audio by Airman 1st Class Garrett Hess | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 01.04.2021
Today's Story: First Virtual Airman-To-Airman Conference
Audio by Pfc. Tyler McBride | AFN Bavaria | 01.01.2021
Sports Talk, Could A College Team Beat A Pro Team
Audio by Sgt. Chelsea Weaver | South Carolina National Guard | 01.01.2021
U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. James Hooten, 125th Cyber Protection Battalion command sergeant major, and Dr. Dan Bornstein, Professor and Director of the Center for Performance, Readiness, Resilience, and Recovery at the Citadel, talks about what holistic health and fitness (H2F) is and how it can benefit service members in the South Carolina National Guard. The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by......
Audio by Sgt. Chelsea Weaver | South Carolina National Guard | 01.01.2021
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we talk about progress and highlights of 2020. The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by Sgt. Chelsea Baker, Spc. David Erskine and Sgt. Tim Andrews with the South Carolina National Guard Public Affairs office....
Audio by Timothy Sandland | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 12.31.2020
Ms. Jill Garvin, the psychological health director at the 102nd Intelligence Wing, speaks to Samantha Sandland, LICSW, NASM-CPT. She is an independent clinical social worker and a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. Samantha owns and operates Champs Psychological Services, LLC, a Rhode Island-based agency which provides mental health, personal training services, and......