Audio by Master Sgt. Eugene Crist | West Virginia National Guard | 11.04.2020
Navigating education benefits is a complex process. A simple fly by won’t do. WVNG Ed Talks… a bi-weekly focused conversation on educational benefits for Soldiers and Airmen in the National Guard. This podcast takes a light hearted conversational approach… talking GI Bill, loans, the freshman 15, coping with Covid shutdowns and more! We speak with experts, practitioners and students......
Audio by Master Sgt. Eugene Crist | West Virginia National Guard | 11.04.2020
Navigating education benefits is a complex process. A simple fly by won’t do. WVNG Ed Talks… a bi-weekly focused conversation on educational benefits for Soldiers and Airmen in the National Guard. This podcast takes a light hearted conversational approach… talking GI Bill, loans, the freshman 15, coping with Covid shutdowns and more! We speak with experts, practitioners and students......
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Levingston M Lewis | All Hands Magazine | 11.04.2020
Ears Adrift - Transparent Body Armor MC2 Sonja Wickard interviews scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory about the advancements in body armor technology....
Courtesy Audio | Air Force Research Laboratory | 11.04.2020
Dan Andrews is the K - 12 Science, Techonology, Engineering and Mathematics, aka STEM, Team Lead for Wright Patterson Air Force Base's Education Outreach Program. He joins us to discuss what his work entails, robotics competitions and how important LEGOs are to STEM Education....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Brittain Crolley | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 11.04.2020
Today's Story: Modified G-Suits
Audio by Master Sgt. Andrew Sinclair | 101st Air Refueling Wing | 11.04.2020
Wendy Moody is a Maine Transition Assistance Advisor for our uniformed services. Whether your coming home from deployment, coming off active duty and transitioning to a civilian workforce OR preparing for retirement, she's the expert! Listen to what she has to say and know her role and let her help you out! Wendy Moody: Phone: 207-430-5778 Email:......
Courtesy Audio | Naval Postgraduate School | 11.03.2020
Dr. Ralucca Gera, Diverse Learning Experiences (Episode #12) In this episode of "Listen, Learn, Lead," President Rondeau meets with Dr. Ralucca Gera, Associate Provost for Graduate Education, Professor of Mathematics, and founder and director of the Teaching and Learning Commons. Gera, a recipient of the Hamming Teaching Award, discusses her experience and research with different......
Audio by Angela Freyermuth | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters | 11.03.2020
Inside the Castle talks with the Institute for Water Resources and the Engineer Research and Development Center about innovation and how the Corps can encourage a culture of innovation....