Audio by Sgt. Lamont Shavers | AFN Daegu | 08.31.2020
This is a locally produced news broadcast that covers both global and local events.
Audio by Lance Cpl. Gabriel Groseclose-Durand | AFN - Iwakuni | 08.31.2020
Inside Iwakuni Radio Newscast of Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni's disaster preparedness workshop. AFN Iwakuni provides service to U.S. military members, civilians and their families stationed on and around MCAS Iwakuni (or the why of the story). (U.S. Marine Corps audio file by Lance Cpl. Gabriel Groseclose-Durand)...
Audio by Keith C Lewis | Air Force Research Laboratory | 08.31.2020
Gen Cook, an AFRL biostatistics expert and trained epidemiologist, reflects on watching science unfold in real time during a global pandemic....
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Jerimiah Richardson | U.S. Army Reserve Command | 08.31.2020
The Leaders Corner Episode 5: Meet the new Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve, Andrew Lombardo. In this Podcast find out who your CSM is and what drives him. Also learn his vision for Army Reserve leaders, and what he hopes to accomplish during his tenure. We also tackle how the Army Reserve is operating during COVID-19 and other important issues like the Sexual......
Audio by Senior Airman Marqus Williams | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 08.31.2020
Today's Story: A Challenge from Chief Bass...
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Stephen Stromberg | AFN Sasebo | 08.30.2020
AFN Sasebo/CFAS Facebook Spot
Audio by Capt. Daniel Mathews | 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division | 08.28.2020
Mr. Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates and a proactive philanthropist heavily involved in providing opportunities for the less fortunate. While Mr. Dalio has a flourishing career in investments, he takes the time to reflect back on his successes and struggles in order to provide feedback and lessons learned for those progressing through the "Arc of Life". His contributions cover......
Audio by Senior Airman Kelsey Cook | Regional Media Center AFN Europe | 08.28.2020
Stars and Stripes 2020 Best of Germany Competition survey.