Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Ashley Guire | | 11.19.2018
This is your DoD News Daily for November 19, 2018.
Audio by Cpl. Savannah Mosby | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 11.19.2018
I'm Corporal Savannah Mosby with your Marine Minute. Camp Pendleton Marines recently conducted a demonstration of a new cutting edge modular heli-drone security system to Marine Corps Installations West leaders in order to save lives while cutting the cost. The system itself consists of three sensor mast towers, which can monitor up to six nautical miles that detect any unusual objects or......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Greg Cerny | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 11.19.2018
Air National Guardsmen from the 195th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group have been aerial imagery support to agencies battling fires in California....
Audio by Cpl. Jon Sebastian Andrade | AFN - Iwakuni | 11.18.2018
Iwakuni Radio News story of “MCAS Iwakuni community enjoy I-Festa (Package/Pkg)”.
Audio by Seaman Samantha Oblander | AFN Guantanamo Bay | 11.17.2018
The Windjammer Ballroom was bustling on Saturday, November 17th with residents of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay attending the bi-monthly craft fair....
Audio by Sgt. Dani Debehets | U.S. Army Europe and Africa | 11.16.2018
Radio story about the key topics discussed during the USAREUR Senior Leader Symposium.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Ashley Guire | | 11.16.2018
This is your DoD News Weekly Recap for November 16, 2018
Audio by Mark Weeks | | 11.16.2018
This is your DoD News Daily Briefing for November 16, 2018.