Audio by Staff Sgt. Nicholas Koetz | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.12.2018
Today's story:Air Force officials have selected 3 captains to be a part of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Captains Prestigious Ph.D. Program....
Audio by Cpl. Troy Saunders | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 09.12.2018
I'm Corporal Troy Saunders with your Marine Minute. In preperation for Hurricane Florence, Marines up and down the East Coast are securing their locations and posturing for potential operations once the storm has passed. Marines and their families should monitor their local command, installations website and social media accounts for additional, up-to-date information on how to stay......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anastasia Tompkins | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.12.2018
Today's story: The Air Force and Navy announced their Joint Physiological Episodes Action Team, or J-PEAT, at the Pentagon this week....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Armando Elizalde | 3rd Marine Logistics Group | 09.12.2018
Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technicians train Sept. 3, 2018 at Camp Fuji, Japan. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Marines detonate different types of munitions with explosives during large-scale disposal. EOD Company Marines validated proficiency and prepared for worldwide mission deployment in support of III Marine Expeditionary Force by testing their ability to disable and dispose of explosives.......
Audio by Lance Cpl. Anika Avila | AFN Okinawa | 09.12.2018
Community Counseling is part of MCCS Behavioral Health. A representative from the Community Counseling program talks about the services offered....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Anika Avila | AFN Okinawa | 09.12.2018
The Armed Services Blood Bank Center is looking for donors. A representative from the center tells us more about their mission....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Health Agency | 09.11.2018
Michael Miller, BS leads a 7-minute breath focused meditation based on the 4 square breathing model. The square is used as a visual image to follow while breathing. This will allow the individual to experience the relaxation response....
Audio by Catherine White | 363rd ISR Wing | 09.11.2018
Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Bridgham, wing chaplain, Jerry Walker III, Ph.D., Human Factors Program Manager, and Tech. Sgt. Johanna Ackerberg, Mental Health Technician, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 25th Air Force, continue their podcast, "The Pillars," with Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright. Previous podcast topics include: Personal Growth, Goals,......