Audio by Staff Sgt. Jason Ragucci | 3rd Military Information Support Battalion (Airborne) | 02.26.2015
Radio selling spot on the importance of the Army Substance Program (ASAP) by Matt Akbari.
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.26.2015
Sergeant Alden Pierre from the 173rd Airborne Brigade Support inspects packed chutes before they reach the Airborne Soldier, In Korea a young soldier had the courage to turn in his fellow soldiers for committing crimes. , former army specialist Justin Watt wrote the book "Black Heart Brigade" and today he speaks to Army leaders about importance of upholding army values....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.26.2015
There's a new badge that's given to outstanding NCO Academy instructors, in a recent interview, Army Chief Of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno emphasizes today's Army has to keep evolving and moving forward in a high-tech world....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.25.2015
The 2015 Army Regional Trials is one of four qualification rounds giving wounded, ill and injured soldiers a chance to compete at this year's DOD Adaptive Sports Competition, a female first lieutenant from Fort Carson, Colo., successfully completed all course requirements of the second gender-integrated Ranger training assessment course....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.25.2015
As the DOD continues to push a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sexual assault, top leaders in Europe provide new resources to the troops, paratroopers from Alaska prepare for operation Spartan Pegasus, a multi-national training exercise which validates U.S. Army Alaska's capacity to conduct airborne operations in extreme arctic conditions....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil | 501st Combat Support Wing | 02.25.2015
Everyday stress can weigh you down from time to time, but Staff Sgt. Lizeth Rico, 423rd Medical Squadron Dental Technician, takes her stress out one rep at a time. Air Force Sgt. Joseph Vigil has her story....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.24.2015
A soldier stationed at Camp Casey, Korea, is volunteering her time as head coach for an American girls youth basketball team, the 2015 Army regional trials is one of four qualification rounds giving wounded, injured and ill service members a chance to compete at this year's DOD Adaptive Sports Competition....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.24.2015
Brig. Gen. Christopher Cavoli says one of the top tools for U.S. Army Europe, is what 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command has to offer, the 2015 Army Regional Trials is one of four qualification rounds giving wounded, injured and ill service members a chance to compete at is year's DOD Adaptive Sports Competition....