Courtesy Audio | | 09.18.2014
℠2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he and Commander In Chief Barack Obama received a briefing at CENTCOM headquarters on the U.S. military strategy, Commander of Air Combat Command discusses the downside of defense cuts and MMA combined with yoga helps veterans returning from deployment....
Audio by Spc. Jonathan Hudson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.18.2014
POW and MIA are recognized for their sacrifice, Army equipment is often the difference between life and death.
Courtesy Audio | | 09.18.2014
℠2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel testifies on efforts to build a global coalition to defeat the ISIL terrorist group, U.S. and Republic of Korea troops join together for air assault drills in South Korea and Restoring Hope, a preview of part three of one Sailors experience coming back from the brink of suicide....
Courtesy Audio | | 09.18.2014
℠2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel testified on the U.S. strategy to defeat ISIL, U.S. aircraft continue to hit ISIL targets across Iraq and preparing for the future, an Army hospital unit trains to become a more expeditionary force....
Courtesy Audio | | 09.18.2014
℠2014 - Commander In Chief Barack Obama discusses his plan to defeat ISIL during a speech at the CENTCOM headquarters in Florida, members of POW, Pugilistic Offensive Warrior Tactics say the mix of MMA and peer support has changed and even saved their lives....
Audio by NMUSAF PA | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 09.17.2014
Dr. David K. Stumpf gives an overview of the Titan II program, culminating in a discussion of just how close a Soviet weapon would have had to come to incapacitate the silo....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mike Lahrman | AFN Pacific | 09.17.2014
When disaster strikes, chaos can ensue. In Kathmandu, Nepal, USARPAC leads the disaster response plan exercise, to ensure that doesn't happen. Staff Sgt. Mike Lahrman is there and has the report....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Burt Traynor | Regional Media Center AFN Europe | 09.17.2014
Africa’s largest air show is taking off this week. With nations participating from around the world, the Africa Aerospace and Defense Expo is an opportunity for the U.S. to strengthen its partnerships within Africa. Tech. Sgt. Burt Traynor was there for opening day....