Audio by Sgt. Richard Perez | 11th Public Affairs Detachment | 10.15.2013
Austin Police Department's SWAT Team came to Fort Hood, Texas, to train the Army snipers of 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Squadron on urban environment sniping....
Audio by Sgt. Richard Perez | 11th Public Affairs Detachment | 10.15.2013
Members from Austin Police Department's SWAT Team came to Fort Hood, Texas to give sniper training to the Army snipers of 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Squadron....
Courtesy Audio | United States Army Alaska | 10.15.2013
The 6th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment recently re-aligned changing their affiliation from the 25th Infantry Division to the 2nd Infantry Division. The unit will now wear the 2nd Infantry Division patch. A ribbon-cutting ceremony immediately followed, as the new $67 million hangar will become home to the newest 2nd ID members....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mike Lahrman | AFN Afghanistan | 10.15.2013
A major tunnel in Afghanistan has gone through decades of wear and tear, further damaging the country's economy. Air Force Staff Sgt. Mike Lahrman takes us to the Salang Corridor, where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leads the tunnel's makeover project....
Audio by Sgt. Travis Delzell | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.15.2013
Radio spot: Have you been stressed to the max? Don't let your anger issues get the best of you. Seek professional help.
Audio by Sgt. Carl Greenwell | AFN Afghanistan | 10.15.2013
Sgt. Jonathan Speth, a mortar man attached to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, works throughout the night to keep the skies bright in Southern Afghanistan to look for and deter any enemy forces in the area....
Courtesy Audio | United States Army Alaska | 10.14.2013
Sujey Cuadrado, the wife of Sgt. Misael Cuadrado, a scout team leader in Bravo Troop, 5th Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division. Is a part-time soldier, and full-time mother who says she has a pretty normal life style, and is training for the Equinox Marathon in Fairbanks, Alaska....
Courtesy Audio | Communication Directorate | 10.14.2013
Dakota Meyer talks to a reporter from NPR about Capt. William Swenson receiving the Medal of Honor