Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Navy Production Division | 07.04.2013
Although miles away from home, personnel aboard Diego Garcia proudly celebrate the 4th of July. Seaman Apprentice Ryan McFarlane spoke with service members who celebrated the MWR event. Soundbites include MCSN Tyler Hogman - Event Attendee and IT2 Caleb Hoch - Event Attendee. Produced by MCSA Ryan McFarlane....
Audio by Sgt. Jacob Sawyer | Joint Multinational Readiness Center | 07.03.2013
Radio story on the 1-4 Infantry Battalion Change of Command ceremony.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Navy Production Division | 07.03.2013
Typically a cookout is about food but for personnel stationed aboard the USNS Seay the cookout was about much more. MC3 Korrin Kim has more on this story. Soundbites include Rich Grey - Chief Chief, USNS Seay, Johan Olardo - Compsron 2 Staff, Diego Garcia and Chaplin Gregory Uvila - NSF, Diego Garcia. Produced by MC3 Korrin Kim....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Navy Production Division | 07.03.2013
Service members aboard Diego Garcia are visited by football players July 3rd, 2013. Seaman Apprentice Ryan McFarlane spoke with service members who met these players. Soundbites include LT. JG Laura Palmer - Football Participant and R.W. McQuarters - Football Player. Produced by MCSA Ryan McFarlane....
Audio by Cpl. Joshua DeFour | AFN Afghanistan | 07.03.2013
As units prepare to redeploy out of Afghanistan, a retrograde operation called "The Four Corners" has set up shop at Kandahar Airfield to streamline the process and get troops home faster....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 07.03.2013
Service members hone their skills for emergencies and a fallen service member is remembered with a memorial at home.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Justin Puetz | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.03.2013
U.S. Army Pacific becomes a four-star command. Army Vice Chief of Staff signs off on a road map to get equipment where it needs to go. The Great Meadow Polo Club hosts the 19th Annual Military Appreciation Night....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 07.03.2013
2013 - A new base opens in Italy, the military hits recruiting goals and the judge enters a plea for the accused Fort Hood shooter....