Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 01.08.2013
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni’s library offers many ways for young children to interact with books. LCpl Fareeza Ali sat down with the children to bring you the story. Soundbites include Alyssa Marquez - Library Assistant Manager and Christina McCurdy - Parent. Produced by LCpl Fareeza Ali....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Robert Wilson | | 01.08.2013
Pentagon Press Secretary George Little briefs the Pentagon press corps.
Audio by Monique Farmer | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District | 01.08.2013
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division, is committed to providing frequent, transparent communications with stakeholders in the Missouri River basin regarding weather forecasts, basin conditions and reservir release operations. The Corps aims to keep the basin informed. Congressional delegation members and/or representatives, Tribes, state governments, county and local......
Audio by Spc. Jonathan Hudson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 01.08.2013
A group of Afghan National Army Soldiers are among some of the first Afghans to graduate from Pathfinder school, Soldiers in Korea train on how to load railroad boxcars with military equipment....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 01.08.2013
Military OneSource offers help for filing taxes, Afghan President Karzai visits the U.S. and a volunteer program offers experience toward becoming a dental assistant....
Courtesy Audio | 101st Division Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs | 01.08.2013
Staff Sgt. Bartoszek talks to a Corydon Democrat reporter about being at the 2013 All American Bowl and being a part of the rappel demonstration team...
Courtesy Audio | Joint Task Force-National Capital Region | 01.08.2013
Staff Sgt. Evans talks with Pioneer Press-Central about his military career and participating in the 2013 Presidential Inauguration...
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Robert Wilson | | 01.07.2013
President Barack Obama makes a personnel announcement at the White House.