Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 09.06.2012
Semper Style prepares military spouses for the Marine Corps Ball. Soundbite includes Tina Henson – Marine Family Readiness Trainer. Produced by LCPL Trevor Phillips....
Audio by Sgt. Jacob Connor | AFN Afghanistan | 09.06.2012
Part of the operations for American troops in Afghanistan is to team up with the Afghan National Army. Army Sergeant Jacob Connor traveled to the northern region of Afghanistan to see how the two militaries work together to further enhance their team cohesion. Includes sound bites from Staff Sgt. Jose Marrero, 841st Engineer Development NCOIC and Maj. Khayer Mohammed, Afghan National Army....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.06.2012
Airman of the 36th Munitions Squadron don’t mess around. Unless of course you’re referring to their annual Ammo Olympics. The Ammo Olympics is a once-a-year event where Airman from MUNS can take their skills from the munitions field, and apply them in a competitive, and not-so-practical way. The Ammo Olympics gives these Airmen the morale boost they deserve after taking part in some of the......
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.06.2012
MEDEX 12 shares combat hospital with Japanese military; artillerymen cross-train on mortars; AFRICOM commander talks about new partnerships....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 09.06.2012
Women's Equality Day observance at Bagram Airfield.
Audio by 1st Lt. David David | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 09.06.2012
Marine Staff Sgt. Brian Buckwalter, from Phoenixville, Pa., talks to a WTKF-FM reporter about why he joined the Marine Corps and his duties as a combat correspondent deployed to Afghanistan....
Audio by 1st Lt. David David | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 09.06.2012
Marine Cpl. Daniel Cassis, from Maine, talks to a WTKF-FM reporter about his duties as an infantryman working in a Combat Operations Center during his deployment to Afghanistan and his future career plans....