Audio by Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil | AFN Naples | 12.08.2011
Trying to maintain a diet at holiday parties can be challenging, but one nutritionist offers a healthy dish to bring to your next get together....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 12.08.2011
The Kentucky Army & Air National Guard's Agribusiness Development Team’s mission is helping farmers in Afghanistan improve their agricultural practices. Air Force Staff Sgt. Shannon Ofiara introduces us to the team’s veterinarian....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 1 | 12.07.2011
BOSTON - A U.S. Coast Guard Falcon jet crew from Air Station Cape Cod broadcasts a severe weather warning to mariners offshore from Maine to southern New England, Wed., Dec. 7, 2011. Coast Guard audio....
Courtesy Audio | | 12.07.2011
Update on the redeployment operations of U.S. Forces in Iraq and the capability of the Iraqi Security Forces in preparation for the transfer of mission to the Department of State. LTG Frank Helmick, U.S. Forces Iraq deputy commander-operations briefs the Pentagon press corps via satellite from Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | | 12.07.2011
Ceremonies mark the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Courtesy Audio | Office of the Chief of Public Affairs | 12.07.2011
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler speaks during a Dec. 7, 2011 Bloggers Roundtable about topics including the Army enlistments, benefits, troop draw-down, the Army profession and entitlements. Audio only....
Audio by Capt. Thomas Ryder | 18th Engineer Brigade | 12.07.2011
Staff Sgt. Raymond Boswell, from Midland, Texas, talks to a Midland Reporter-Telegram reporter, in Midland, about his duties as a combat engineer deployed to Afghanistan, including construction work and route clearance missions....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 12.07.2011
The Korean Vocational Training Center opened in April 2010 at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan with the goal of helping young Afghan students cultivate their skills through in depth training, Marine Cpl. Tia Nale was there for the centers second graduation ceremony. Soundbite includes Ahn Seong-doo, Korean Ambassador....