Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 10.12.2011
Medical care is a rare and valuable resource in Badghis Province, Afghanistan. A military Ophthalmologist traveled to train medics how to conduct eye exams. Air Force Staff Sergeant Chad Usher was there as local Afghans improve their vision. Scenes include Eye exams being performed, training to conduct eye exams, community gathered at school to receive eye exams and glasses for those in......
Audio by Spc. Crystal Madriz | AFN Afghanistan | 10.11.2011
Normally, building a combat outpost is no easy task. Building one during fighting season is even harder. Spc. Crystal Madriz introduces you to the soldiers of Fort Wainwright who are making it happen....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division | 10.11.2011
Lt. Col. Mark Adams, commander of the Brigade Troops Battalion, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, talks with Winn Mete, radio show hosts with Base A-K in Alaska. Adams discuss life in Afghanistan for the stryker brigade....
Audio by Maj. David Mattox | United States Army Alaska | 10.11.2011
Lt. Col. Mark Adams, commander of the Brigade Troops Battalion, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, talks via telephone with radio show host Winn Mete of Base Alpha-Kilo in Alaska about FOB Masum Ghar and the brigade’s deployment to Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2011....
Audio by Cpl. Kevin Maynard | AFN Afghanistan | 10.11.2011
US service members partnered up to teach Afghan firefighters proper firefighting techniques.
Courtesy Audio | Office of the Chief of Public Affairs | 10.11.2011
Spc. Thomas Hauser from Cincinnati, Ohio talks to ABC radio about competing in the Best Warrior 2011 competition and winning Soldier of the Year 2011. BestWarriorCompetition2011. Interview was recorded with no audio on interviewer....
Courtesy Audio | 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit | 10.11.2011
Lt. Cmdr. David D. Dinkins from Arlington, Texas, talks to a KCBI reporter from Dallas, Texas about his duties and responsibilities while he is serving as a chaplain in California....
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 10.11.2011
Petty Officer 1st Class Eric Watson talks to an Radio Lia reporter about his duties and responsibilities in Afghanistan