Audio by Staff Sgt. Philip Grondin | 1st Marine Division | 09.07.2011
Sgt. Jon McDonald from Brooklyn, N.Y. with 1st Marine Division Public Affairs talks to Crawford Broadcasting reporter in Denver, Colo. about his experience during Sept. 11, 2001. 911TenAnniv...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Lynette Hoke | 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 09.07.2011
Spc. Michael Hall talks to a WCCO AM reporter from Minneapolis Minnesota about his experience during Sept. 11, 2001. 911TenAnniv...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Lynette Hoke | 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 09.07.2011
Sgt. Adam Rozendaal talks to a WCCO reporter in Minnesota about September 11th and his background in the military as well as the future of Iraq. Audio only....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Brandon Shelander | AFN Afghanistan | 09.07.2011
When troops on the ground need a medevac, highly-trained flight medics rush to respond, but how does it make the flight crews feel? Petty Officer Brandon Shelander reports....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mike Meares | 321st Air Expeditionary Wing | 09.07.2011
Tech. Sgt. Tillman, St. Joseph, Tenn., talks to a Lawrence County Advocate reporter about why she joined the military 15 years ago, her current job as operations management with a Civil Engineer Squadron, September 11th, her family, the future of Iraq with the U.S. and her unit. Audio only....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mike Meares | 321st Air Expeditionary Wing | 09.07.2011
Staff Sgt. Kristine MacKeown, Dennison, N.J., talks to a Ocean City Sentinel reporter about her job in Afghanistan as a chaplain's assistant and her thoughts on the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks....
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 09.07.2011
Marine Lance Cpl. Stacy Whalen talks with a Union Leader reporter in Manchester, N.H. about what she remembers about 911, why she joined the United States Marine Corps, how 911 has impacted everyone and the 911 tenth anniversary....
Audio by Gunnery Sgt. Pauline Franklin | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 09.07.2011
Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Hawthorne talks to a WCRN-AM reporter about his duties and responsibilities in Afghanistan...