Audio by Staff Sgt. Christopher Flurry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.18.2011
Sgt. Christopher Pou, from Yuma, Ariz., talks to a Yuma Sun reporter about his duties working with weapons systems for aircraft in Afghanistan....
Audio by 1st Lt. Alejandro Aguilera | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.18.2011
Marine Lt. Col. Matthew T. Mowery talks to a Marine Corps Times reporter about his duties as an H1W Cobra pilot and commander of a combined squadron of Cobras and Hueys (HMLA-267) during his deployment to Afghanistan....
Audio by 1st Lt. Adam Musil | 36th Infantry Division (TXARNG) | 07.18.2011
Warrant Officer Sheffield, from Lumberton, Texas, talks to a Silsbee Bee reporter about his family, his and his family's military service and his duties during this deployment to Iraq....
Audio by Maj. Jason Billington | 3d Cavalry Regiment Public Affairs Office | 07.18.2011
Capt. Sarah Barron, from Fairmont, W.V., talks to a Times West Virginian reporter, in Fairmont, about being deployed with her husband and her daily duties....
Courtesy Audio | 204th Public Affairs Detachment (Forward) | 07.18.2011
1st Lt. Nicholas Sterghos talks to an Gainesville Times reporter about his training and his responsibilities in Kuwait
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.18.2011
Lance Cpl. Yiveni Cardoso Rosas talks to an WTKF-FM reporter about her responsibilities in Afghanistan and earning her citizenship....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 07.18.2011
This edition features stories about the change of command ceremony between Gen. Walter Sharp and Gen. James Therman in Korea and the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen. Hosted by Spc. Andrew Brandstead....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.17.2011
A shurah is a formal meeting, in the Afghan culture, to hash out issues among the people. Sgt. Andrew Milner joined a recent shurah in southern Marjah with the local leadership, Afghan National Army, and 3rd Battalion 6th Marines and found that the issues have evolved from those a year ago....