Audio by Sgt. Lawren Massey | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 07.04.2011
Spartan unmanned aerial system teams provide eyes in the sky for Black Jack troops on the ground.
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.04.2011
Several U.S senators met with special operations forces members in Mangwel village, Konar province, Afghanistan, Senators included John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham. They visited the village to discuss Afghan local police and village stability operations with special operations forces team members and village elders. The photos are by Sgt. Lizette Hart and the newscast was......
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.04.2011
Service members don’t always have a chance to celebrate holidays while deployed. Spc. Adam Dineen tells us about one base in Afghanistan that made sure its troops were given that opportunity....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christopher Flurry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.04.2011
Lance Cpl. Powers talks to an Anoka County Union reporter in Minn., about joining the Marine Corps, his job, his current duties while he's deployed in Afghanistan, what Independence Day and freedom mean to him, and much more....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.04.2011
Package about the grand opening of the Morale Welfare and Recreation facility on Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan.
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.04.2011
Cpl. Brandon Shaw talks to a WCAX-TV reporter about his deployment and celebrating Independence Day in Afghanistan
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.04.2011
Cpl. John Morrison talks to a KMZU-FM reporter about celebrating the 4th of July, his deployment in Afghanistan and his duties while deployed...
Courtesy Audio | Regional Command Southwest | 07.04.2011
Sgt. Joel Mathre talks to a Jacksonville Daily News reporter in North Carolina about being deployed during Independence Day....