Audio by Spc. Aimee Fujikawa | 310th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 06.21.2011
Sgt. Brian Christman from Niceville, Fla. talks to a Pet News and Views reporter about working with military working dogs while deployed in Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.21.2011
Soldiers Radio News is the U.S. Army's official radio newscast. It is produced daily by Soldiers Radio and Television in Arlington, Va., and in Atlanta. SRN airs on the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service and on multiple military and civilian stations across the U.S. This episode of SRN contains: Missouri Guard aids Joplin after devastating tornado Army installations turn-in 1200 pounds......
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.21.2011
Soldiers Radio News is the U.S. Army's official radio newscast. It is produced daily by Soldiers Radio and Television in Arlington, Va., and in Atlanta. SRN airs on the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service and on multiple military and civilian stations across the U.S. This episode of SRN contains: Concussions and T.B.I now considered for Purple Hearts; President Obama visits, awards......
Audio by Spc. Aimee Fujikawa | 310th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 06.21.2011
Sgt. Brian C. Christman talks to a reporter from the Foundation magazine about his mission in Iraq.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Army Reserve Command | 06.21.2011
Sgt. 1st Class Martin James Rodriguez talks to a The Pueblo Chieftain reporter about competing in the Best Warrior Competition...
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 06.21.2011
1st Lt. Roy Fish talks to a Radio Lia reporter about his responsibilities overseas and his deployment in Afghanistan
Audio by Sara Goodeyon | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District | 06.21.2011
A killer tornado devastated Joplin, Mo., May 22. In the month since the disaster, residents of the city, with the help of federal, state and local governments and countless volunteers, have made significant progress in moving forward. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers public affairs specialist Sara Goodeyon reports....
Courtesy Audio | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 06.21.2011
Lt. Col. Pawlawski talks to a Bend Radio Group reporter about her responsibilities and her deployment to Afghanistan.