Audio by Staff Sgt. George Maddon | AFN Afghanistan | 05.21.2011
Part of the mission in Afghanistan is training the existing force. Some training however isn’t always planned. Air Force Sgt. George Maddon introduces us to some Redhorse airmen who are taking some extra time to train on new curriculum....
Audio by Staff Sgt. George Maddon | AFN Afghanistan | 05.21.2011
Part of the mission in Afghanistan is training the existing force. Some training however isn't always planned. Air Force Sgt. George Maddon introduces us to some REDHORSE airmen who are taking some extra time to train on new curriculum....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Junius Stone | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 05.21.2011
Development in power generation in Afghanistan's Panjir province.
Audio by Aquita Brown | Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment | 05.21.2011
Sgt. Ashley Chavez, Dayton, Ohio, talks to a Dayton Daily News reporter about the 2011 Warrior Games in Colorado. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | | 05.20.2011
NATO Deputy Spokesperson Carmen Romero and Wing Commander Mike Bracken, the Operation Unified Protector Spokesperson, brief reporters on events concerning Libya....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - | 05.20.2011
DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable with Mrs. Laura Stultz (wife of Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, Chief, Army Reserve and Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Command). Mrs. Stultz, discussed the amazing transformation of family programs and resources over her 35 years as an Army spouse. She explained that there is more to be done will take questions on developing sustainable programs that support the......
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class David Mosley | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 05.20.2011
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The crew of the fishing vessel Knee Deep, a 28-foot aluminum bowpicker, calls the Coast Guard reporting that they are disabled and adrift and in need of help May 19, 2011. The crew reported that they were adrift due to water contaminating their fuel and that the water was to deep for the boat's anchor. U.S. Coast Guard audio courtesy of Sector Anchorage...
Audio by Spc. Adam Dineen | AFN Afghanistan | 05.20.2011
Construction projects are in full swing in Afghanistan. Spc. Adam Dineen shows us one unit who is checking up on progress....