Audio by 1st Lt. John Norton | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 03.19.2011
1st Lt. John Norton, Marietta, Ga, talks to a CBS reporter in Atlanta, Ga, about the relief and rebuild efforts his unit is conducting in Japan after their earthquake and tsunami. Audio only....
Audio by 1st Lt. John Norton | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 03.19.2011
1st Lt. John Norton, Marietta, Ga, talks to an AP reporter about the relief and rebuild efforts his unit is conducting in Okinawa, Japan. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 03.19.2011
Talks to an MSNBC reporter about the humanitarian relief and rebuilding efforts in Japan. Audio only.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 03.19.2011
Package about how on Thursday, March 17th, the State Department and Department of Defense authorized a voluntary departure of military family members in disaster affected regions of Japan. Petty Officer Karla Kaminski explains how Misawa Air Base started the process of helping families Friday morning. Produced by Petty Officer Karla Kaminski....
Courtesy Audio | | 03.18.2011
President Barack Obama delivers a statement on the situation in Libya.
Audio by Sgt. Joshua Tverberg | United States Division-North | 03.18.2011
Command Sgt. Maj. Earl Rice, U.S. Forces-Iraq, deputy commanding general for Operations Command sergeant major, visits K1 to meet with Sgt. Maj. Nasaf, the 12th Iraqi Army Division sergeant major, to discuss how U.S. forces can assist the Iraqi army in strengthening their non-commissioned officer corps. Command Sgt. Maj. Rice is accompanied by Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel Dailey, U.S. Division......
Courtesy Audio | AFN - Iwakuni | 03.18.2011
Package about personnel aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni are doing their part to help with the relief efforts for northern Japan. Lance Corporal Kate Dubois was on the flightline as the next group of supplies was being transferred....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil | AFN Afghanistan | 03.18.2011
NATO Training Advisors helped Afghans celebrate the Afghan New Year at Kandahar Air Wing. Air Force Sgt. Joseph Vigil shows us how they are cultivating this growing relationship...