Audio by Cpl. Kevin Beebe | DMA Pacific - Hawaii Media Bureau | 03.17.2011
Adm. Robert Willard speaks about support for Japan. Relief efforts continue in Japan after an earthquake and Tsunami devastated the country. Military leadership in Hawaii are doing their best to provide support and aid to the country. PACOM Commander Admiral Willard spoke about the military's involvement with Japan relief efforts. Produced by Cpl. Kevin Beebe....
Audio by Cpl. Kevin Beebe | DMA Pacific - Hawaii Media Bureau | 03.17.2011
Audio sound bite of Adm. Robert Willard speaking about support for Japan. Produced by Cpl. Kevin Beebe.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 03.17.2011
Misawa Relief Convoy B-roll about a convoy from Misawa Air Base returning from dropping much needed supplies and volunteers near the devastated city of Sendai. Tech Sgt. Perrin Smith was one of many Airmen who volunteered his time and skills to the relief effort. Produced by Petty Officer Karla Kaminski. jpearthquake11...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 03.17.2011
Radio package about the 35th Fighter Wing commander and the Navy Air Facility commanding officer, speaking to the local community about an opportunity for civilians to return stateside and the current situation for service members in the Misawa Air Base and northern Japan areas....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Theresa Seng | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 03.17.2011
Talks to a Los Angeles Times reporter about combat injuries, care for the injuries, testing genetics to learn why people react differently to the same injury and his future with the military. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 359th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade | 03.17.2011
Sgt. 1st Class Doyle talks to a WTSN-AM reporter in Dover, N.H., about his military service history, re-enlisting after retiring, his daily duties and the status of current missions in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | 359th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade | 03.17.2011
talks to a WTMY-AM reporter in Sarasota, Fla., about working in communications, tactical management, his tour in Afghanistan, food, care pakcages and sharing his experiences. Audio only....
Audio by Sgt. Jason Kaneshiro and 1st Lt. Maryjane Porter | 305th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 03.17.2011
1st Lt. Adam Musil, from Austin, Texas, talks to a KTEM reporter in Temple, Texas, about his duties as a command information officer and the various formats used in Iraqi and military media communications....