Audio by Christie Vanover | Fort Cavazos Public Affairs Office | 02.01.2011
Gene Simmons of KISS stopped by Fort Hood to talk with wounded warriors and visit with troops.
Audio by Master Sgt. Samantha Lowe | AFN Afghanistan | 02.01.2011
To stabilize Afghanistan, Coalition Forces work to build trust in the Afghan Government. Air Force Master Sgt. Samantha Lowe reports Provincial Reconstruction Teams head into the local communities to develop a rapport among both the leaders and citizens. Sound bite includes Lt. Col. John Walker – Lagman Provincial Reconstruction Team Commander. Produced by Master Sgt. Samantha Lowe....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mark Burrell | Combined Joint Task Force 101 | 02.01.2011
Radio piece on U.S. Army soldiers from Troop C, 1st Squadron, 32nd Cavalry Regiment, Task Force Bandit, fight and live at Observation Post Mustang on the border of Pakistan in eastern Afghanistan's Kunar province. At the remote base 6,500 feet up in the Hindu Kush Mountains, the soldiers have the task of providing security for the Afghans and Americans living in the valleys below. (Produced by......
Audio by Sgt. Benjamin Watson | NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan | 02.01.2011
The Afghan National Police in Maruf District, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, led by Nader Khan, the district police chief, have cleared 30 improved explosive devices since August....
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Rhonda Lawson | 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade | 02.01.2011
Lt. Col. Appleton talks to a Silverton Appeal Tribune reporter about his responsibilities in Iraq and how his deployment has been...
Audio by Staff Sgt. James Zannetti | AFN Afghanistan | 01.31.2011
Cutting edge agricultural practices are important to the economic stability of Afghan farmers. Air Force Staff Sgt. James Zannetti takes us to Kunar province, Afghanistan, where the local Agribusiness Extension Agent and the Iowa Agribusiness Development Team work hand in hand to advance these practices. Sound bite includes Mashuqullah, Agricultural Extension Agent. Produced by Staff Sgt.......
Audio by Spc. Jesse Youngstrom | 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division | 01.31.2011
During the last graduation ceremony of the Titan Academy on FOB Warhorse, the 512th Military Police Company relinquished all training authority to the Regional Iraqi Training Center in the Diyala province. This marks the total sovereignty of the Iraqi Police in the Diyala province....
Audio by Sgt. Kristi Potts | 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.31.2011
2nd Battalion, 21st Brigade, 5th IA Division soldiers occupy Tent City at Kirkush Military Training Base in northern Iraq. The training at KMTB allows the IA to focus on the Army mission. ...