Audio by Capt. Anthony Deiss | 196th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade | 11.24.2010
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Clinton Store, from Sioux Falls, S.D., talks to a KRRO-FM reporter in Sioux Falls, S.D., about his duties as an I.T. specialist serving in Afghanistan and how he will celebrate Thanksgiving....
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 11.24.2010
The Paktika Provincial Reconstruction Team is promoting healthy living and preventing illnesses in women and children throughout Paktika province, Afghanistan. Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Diaz explains....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Juaacklyn Jackson | U.S. Air Forces Central, Baghdad Media Outreach Team | 11.24.2010
Air Force 1st Lt. Elizabeth Deptula, from Chandler, Ariz., talks to a KNXV-TV reporter in Phoenix, Ariz., about her duties as a navigator with a C-130 unit serving in Iraq....
Audio by 1st Lt. Rebecca Burgess | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 11.24.2010
Marine Sgt. James Kallmbah, from Mackinaw, Ill., talks to Stephen A. Smith Show hosts in Los Angeles, Calif., about his favorite sports teams, describes his daily life in Afghanistan and celebrating Thanksgiving away from home. He is also connected to his parents during the show....
Courtesy Audio | 332d Air Expeditionary Wing | 11.23.2010
Air Force Staff Sgt. Saniel Clarey, from Middletown, Ohio, talks to a Middletown Journal reporter in Middletown, Ohio, about her duties in Iraq, being away from home during the holidays, how they will celebrate the holidays in Iraq, memories of being involved in a rocket attack during her first deployment to Iraq and communicating with her family....
Courtesy Audio | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 11.23.2010
Sgt. Maj. James Allen talks to a Communique reporter in Miss., about building the Afghan army, different cultures in Afghanistan, differences in training U.S. and Afghan soldiers, his influences and his family. Audio only....
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 11.23.2010
Sgt. Danielle E. Figueroa, from Tampa, Fla., talks to a Blog Talk Radio show host about her duties during her current deployment in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 11.23.2010
Sgt. Maj. James Allen talks to a KLTT-AM reporter in Denver, Colo., about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Afghanistan....