Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 11.19.2010
This edition features a story on how after much planning and preparation Paktika Province, Afghanistan's very own Government Radio station is now live and rocking the airwaves. Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Diaz has the story....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christine Polvorosa | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 11.19.2010
Marine Cpl. Brandon Selway from Laurel, Del., talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter in Los Angeles, Calif., from Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan about the NFL Philadelphia Eagles, Michael Vick, why he joined the Marines, his duties and responsibilities while he is deployed and sends a message home to his family....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 11.18.2010
KODIAK, Alaska - Deck Watch is a five to seven minute radio show featuring Coast Guard news from around Alaska. The feature for Nov. 19, 2010, is an interview with a NOAA oceanographer Laura McLaughlin regarding updating the tide tables in Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by D17 External Affairs....
Audio by Maj. Jason Billington | 3d Cavalry Regiment Public Affairs Office | 11.18.2010
This radio segment aired on Freedom Radio News program, Armed Forces Radio-Iraq. It was based on a October print story about 3d ACR and the Babil PRT monitoring progress of a renovation project at the historic Babylon ruins. Featured in the segment is a quotation by the 3d ACR Deputy Commander, LTC Bryan Radliff....
Audio by 1st Lt. Maryjane Porter | 305th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.18.2010
Sgt. Pule talks to a KHJ reporter in Pago Pago about his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission.
Audio by Maj. Alan Brown | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 11.18.2010
Maj. Christopher Adams, from Dayton, Ohio, talks to a WHIO-TV reporter in Dayton, Ohio, about his role and duties in current operations in Iraq....
Audio by Cpl. Bradley Hanson | AFN Afghanistan | 11.18.2010
Soldiers in Zabul province, Afghanistan conduct regular security presence patrols in order to deter Taliban activity. Marine Cpl. Bradley Hanson went along for the ride to see just how they do it....
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 11.18.2010
This edition features a story on U.S. Forces and local Afghan leaders in Kunar Province, Afghanistan have come to an agreement regarding agricultural development in the region. Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Diaz explains how this new agreement will benefit both parties....