Audio by Senior Airman Christopher Pyles | AFN Afghanistan | 11.10.2010
After Weeks of planning and joint operations, the Afghan National Army at Forward Operating Base Gamberi is out in front doing missions on their own. Senior Airman Chris Pyles takes us to Nangarhar province where Afghan soldiers are helping their own people with humanitarian aid....
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 11.10.2010
The Afghan Government is acting to brighten the future for the new Afghan generation. Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Diaz tells us how....
Audio by Sgt. Janelle Dean | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.09.2010
International Security Assistance Forces, or ISAF, has found another way to measure of success for the Afghan people. Specialist Janelle Sennert tells us how pomegranates are paving the way to a stronger Afghan economy. Includes sound bites from Abdul Ghafoor, Afghan Farmer and Henry Ensher, US State Department Official....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Brofer | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 11.09.2010
Marine Cpl. Sean Greenlee talks to a Radio Lia reporter in Seattle, Wash., about his duties and daily activities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Brofer | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 11.09.2010
Marine Cpl. Sean Greenlee, from Stockton, Calif., talks to an ESPN reporter in Bristol, Conn., about his duties and daily activities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Philip Grondin | Regional Command Southwest | 11.09.2010
Marine Lt. Col. Marcus Williams, from Rutland, Vt., talks to a Leatherneck Magazine reporter in Quantico, Va., about his military service history and his current duties in Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Philip Grondin | Regional Command Southwest | 11.09.2010
Marine Lt. Col. Marcus Williams, from Rutland, Vt., talks to a Rutland Herald reporter in Rutland, Vt., about his military service history and his current duties in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 11.09.2010
Marine Staff Sgt. Jaclyn Potter, from Miami, Fla., talks to a WSRQ-AM reporter in Sarasota, Fla., about her duties as a platoon commander for a general support company resupplying camps in southern Afghanistan....