Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Damien Horvath | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 10.01.2010
CWO2 Cammy R. Eddick, Coos Bay, Ore., and Cmdr. Samuel D. Pontier, Umpqua, Ore., talk to a KSRV in Bend, Ore., about their jobs as mentors, working with supplies for the Afghan forces, differences in Iraq and Afghanistan, working with Operation Outreach, how they are received as Americans, what they miss about home and say hello to family and friends. Audio only....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Damien Horvath | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 10.01.2010
Tech. Sgt. Giovanni Lewis from Valdosta, Ga., talks to a WAFT-FM reporter in Valdosta, Ga., about moving to Valdosta, his wife, the weather at home and in Afghanistan, care packages and things he misses from home....
Courtesy Audio | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 10.01.2010
Lt. Col. Kimberly Tooman, Shamokin Dam, Pa., talks to a WKOK-AM reporter in Sunbury, Pa, about her job as the commander of the 440th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, building the Afghan air force, working air craft maintenance in Iraq, what she wants people to know about their mission, her deployment length, her family and thanks everyone for their support....
Courtesy Audio | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 10.01.2010
Lt. Col. Kyle Foley, Colo, IA, talks to a WHO-AM reporter in Des Moines, IA about his work with NATO Training Mission Afghanistan, coordinating the logistics and training resources, training Afghan forces, becoming the Deputy Commander, the Iowa National Guard, what he misses most about home and how to thank the troops. Audio only...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Alana Miller | AFN Afghanistan | 10.01.2010
This edition features a story on Afghan and Coalition Forces captured IED makers in Khost and Paktika Provinces, Afghanistan in late September. Air Force Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram has the details....
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Patrick Malone | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 10.01.2010
Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Kuzlik from Burton, Ohio, talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter in Los Angeles, Calif., about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Ramadi, Iraq, Sports, Ohio State Buckeyes, College Football, Family and he sends a greeting home to his family....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 09.30.2010
KODIAK, Alaska - Deck Watch is a weekly look at Coast Guard operations throughout Alaska in a five to seven minute radio show format. The feature for Oct. 1, 2010 are interviews with Petty Officers Chris Moore and Josh Ulrich about Air Station Kodiak's annual wet drill training. U.S. Coast Guard audio by 17th Coast Guard District Public Affairs Detachment Kodiak....
Audio by Cpl. Bradley Hanson | AFN Afghanistan | 09.30.2010
Many forward operating bases across Afghanistan are expanding to support the surge of troops. Marine Cpl. Bradley Hanson spent some time with the Airmen at FOB Wilson who are surveying the FOB to see where they have room to expand....