Audio by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown | AFN Afghanistan | 08.19.2010
This newscast includes a story about doctors from all over Afghanistan coming together to discuss ways to improve medical care....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Alana Miller | AFN Afghanistan | 08.19.2010
This edition features a story about insurgents in Baghdis Province failed in an attack against Afghan and Coalition forces and two casualties were unable to escape in Afghanistan. Hosted by Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram. ...
Courtesy Audio | Combined Joint Task Force 101 | 08.18.2010
Name: Staff Sgt. Michael Murtoff, USA Home Town: East Berlin, Pa. Unit: C/1-172 CAV (MTN) Unit Home Town: Lyndonville, Vt. Submitting Unit: CJTF-101 Date: Aug 18, 2010 Location: Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan Name: Capt Dale Harrell, USAF Home Town: Jacksonville, FL Unit: MDG Unit Home Town: Ramstein, Germany Submitting Unit: CJTF-101 Date: Aug 18, 2010 Location: ......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Alana Miller | AFN Afghanistan | 08.18.2010
A joint study by several health organizations revealed 82 percent of people diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder partnered with a trained psychiatric service dog will have fewer symptoms. Air Force Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram reports on a special deployment of PTSD fighters in Afghanistan. Sound bite includes Capt. Theresa Schillreff, Occupational Therapist and Senior Airman Penny......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Danielle Dull | AFN Afghanistan | 08.18.2010
This edition features a story on how Afghan and coalition forces rescued 27 male Afghan prisoners from a makeshift Taliban prison. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Danielle Dull. Afghanistan...
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Danielle Dull | AFN Afghanistan | 08.18.2010
This edition features a story on how insurgents posed as injured civilians to obtain treatment for their wounds after attacking Afghan and coalition forces. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Danielle Dull. Afghanistan...
Audio by Capt. Anthony Deiss | 196th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade | 08.18.2010
Talks to a Black Hills Pioneer reporter in Spearfish, SD, about being deployed to Camp Phoenix, overseeing contracts with the Directorate of Resource Management, planning with the Directorate of planning, training and mobilization, working with the Afghan people and the differences between Afghanistan and Iraq. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 08.18.2010
Package about Afghan and international security forces capturing a key network facilitator in Afghanistan. Produced by Petty Officer 1st Class Liz Murray...