Audio by Cpl. Bryan G. Lett | AFN Afghanistan | 06.24.2010
School enrollment in Afghanistan is at an all-time high with more than six million children currently enrolled, according to U.S. Aid Afghanistan. The higher enrollment means a demand for school supplies. Marine Cpl. Bryan Lett takes us to the Parwan province to tell us how coalition forces help locals meet the demand....
Audio by Chief Petty Officer Mark Schultz | AFN Afghanistan | 06.24.2010
Packages about Marine driving instructors teaching Afghanistan soldiers how to drive humvees. Some of those students stay on to become trainers themselves. These new Afghan trainers will eventually replace the marines. Soundbites from Cpl. Adam Talbert and Sgt. Fazulhadeeh...
Audio by Cpl. Bradley Hanson | AFN Afghanistan | 06.24.2010
Package made from "Army Pathfinders Investigate Potential Taliban Activity" in the B-roll section about the Pathfinders of Fox Company, 5th Battalion, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade conduct as many as three operations a day to keep FOB Wolverine in Zabul Province, Afghanistan safe. Sound bites include Sgt. Shawn Burns....
Audio by NMUSAF PA | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 06.23.2010
Internationally-recognized aerospace historian Dr. Richard P. Hallion discusses America’s first jet-age air war.
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 06.23.2010
This edition features stories on the Emergency Placement Care Program on U.S. Army Garrison Daegu, Korea. Volunteers sign up to be called in case of emergency to take a child or children into their home and more than 240 golfers teed of at Osan Air Base during the 7th annual Mustang Cup Golf Tournament. Hosted by Spc. Craig Dixson....
Audio by Spc. Naomi Martini | 1st Armored Division | 06.23.2010
Package of service members stationed in Baghdad, Iraq volunteer for a mission that will change the lives of disabled Iraqi children and their families. The service members constructed and fit the children into donated pediatric wheelchairs. Sound bites include Pvt. Patrick Hamilton from Hemet, CA. and Command Sgt. Maj. Sal katz from Los Angeles, CA. Produced by Spc. Naomi Martini....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson | AFN Afghanistan | 06.23.2010
Package made from "Vertical Skill Graduation" in the B-roll section about how U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, Karl Eikenberry, said Afghans working in carpentry and construction are in high demand, both to build the Nation's Infrastructure and to improve its human capital. Sound bite includes Cmdr. Bryan Hoyt. Produced by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson....
Audio by Spc. Naomi Martini | 1st Armored Division | 06.23.2010
Service Members stationed in Baghdad volunteer for a mission that will change the lives of disabled Iraqi children and their families. The service members constructed and fit the children into donated pediatric wheelchairs. Produced by Spc. Naomi Martini, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs....