Audio by Spc. Aquilla Reed | AFN Afghanistan | 05.28.2010
The Kabul Center for Strategic Studies states in a 2008 article that the Taliban use a media network of websites, DVDs and a variety of publications to undermine support of the Afghan government. Army Pfc. Aquilla Reed takes us to Forward Operating Base Thunder and shows us how the Afghan National Army and coalition forces now print publications to tell their side and hold events like the......
Audio by Sgt. Robert Liddy | AFN Afghanistan | 05.28.2010
Package about U.S. forces and Afghan national army members talking to Afghan communities to determine if they are supportive of the coalition forces and Afghan government. Produced by Sgt. Robert Liddy....
Audio by Spc. Jessica Cooke | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 05.28.2010
The accompanying product is a radio news story from Ramadi covering military units and events across 1st Advise and Assist Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Division-Center. Today's radio broadcast story was produced by Pfc. Jessica Cooke, 1st Advise and Assist Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs Office.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Kirk Bell | 366th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.28.2010
In South Baghdad, U.S. and Iraqi forces built and opened a Combined Division Operations Center. The CDOC is designed to monitor operations and checkpoints for the 17th Iraqi Army Division. The story was reported and produced by Staff Sgt. Kirk Bell, 366th MPAD, USD-C....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 05.28.2010
Army Sgt. 1st Class Patrick Malone from Stow, OH., talks to a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter in Los Angeles, CA., about Lebron James, the Super Bowl, why he chose his military career, his duties and responsibilities while he is deployed and he says hello to his wife....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 05.27.2010
Experts confirm North Korean torpedo sank Cheonen. Hosted by Petty Officer Samantha Stark
Audio by Sgt. Janelle Dean | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.27.2010
The tankers of Mad Dawg Company, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, build camaraderie and learn teamwork during training at the National Training Center prior to an upcoming deployment to Iraq....
Audio by Spc. Adam Ross | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.27.2010
Maintaining the peace in Iraq will take more than a well trained security force. Spc. Adam Ross takes us inside the U.S. Army's effort to solidify Iraq's justice system...