Audio by Spc. Aquilla Reed | AFN Afghanistan | 05.04.2010
U.S. service members now have an official building to conduct court proceedings. Army Pfc. Aquilla Reed takes us to Bagram Air Field where troops gather for the dedication ceremony....
Audio by Chief Petty Officer Mark Schultz | AFN Afghanistan | 05.04.2010
Petty Officer Mark Schultz takes us to a school and orphanage in Kabul, where a combined Special Forces unit is helping improve the lives of the children who live and work there....
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Cody Boyd | AFN Afghanistan | 05.04.2010
Afghanistan ranks number one worldwide in maternal mortality and one in three children is an orphan according to the presidential archives. Petty Officer Cody Boyd takes us to the only orphanage in Parwan province and tells us how the Parwan Provincial Reconstruction Team is helping to better the facilities....
Courtesy Audio | Joint Planning Support Element - Public Affairs | 05.03.2010
Press conference on the oil spill in La. U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry, Mike Saucier, Head of Field Operations, Doug Settles, BP Chief Operating Officer talk about the government and B.P.'s response to the oil spill. Oilspill10...
Courtesy Audio | 1st Infantry Division | 05.03.2010
Talks to a Post Journal reporter in Jamestown, NY., about why he joined the Army, His current duties as a Chief Warrant Officer 2, his current deployment and a typical day in Iraq....
Audio by Gunnery Sgt. Bryce Piper | 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit | 05.03.2010
Marines and Sailors with 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit completed their first exercise with the Navy's Amphibious Squadron 4 THIS WEEK. The Marines trained aboard and from the USS Kearsarge, USS New York, and USS Carter Hall. Together, the Marines and Sailors conducted an amphibious Squadron MEU integration exercise, or PMINT. During the exercise, the Marines and Sailors worked hand in hand to......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Kirk Bell | 366th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.03.2010
An Army first lieutenant stationed in Baghdad gives his wife, an Army Staff sergeant stationed in Georgia, the oath of office over Skype. Reported and produced by Staff Sgt. Kirk Bell, 366th MPAD, USD-C....
Audio by Cpl. A.J. Lugo | AFN Afghanistan | 05.03.2010
NATO Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan are tasked with rebuilding provinces by bridging relationships between the Afghan government and its people. Marine Cpl A.J. Lugo introduces us to one PRT that's working to promote women education in Afghanistan....