Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 02.26.2010
Capt. Klaucius sends a shout out to KUPL radio.
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 02.26.2010
Staff Sgt. Juarez Mario sends a shout out to KUPL radio.
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 02.26.2010
Spc. Lindsay Freeland sends a shout out to KUPL radio.
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 02.26.2010
U.S. Army 1st Sgt. David Cook sends a shout out to KUPL radio.
Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 02.26.2010
Talks to a Fox Sports Game Time React show host in Los Angeles, Calif., about his daily duties, the performance of his favorite sports teams, when he will return home and sends greetings to his family....
Audio by NMUSAF PA | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 02.25.2010
Col. Christopher Coombs, commander of the 703rd Aeronautical Systems Group at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, discussed the contributions of unmanned aircraft systems to the nation’s air arsenal....
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 02.25.2010
Talks to a KPNW-AM reporter about what his units mission is in Iraq, the Iraqi security forces being the first ones to respond, the amount of insurgent activity and service members finding jobs when they return home from Iraq...
Audio by John Ohab | Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs | 02.25.2010
This edition features a discussion about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, more commonly known as "HAARP." It is a joint Air Force and Navy research program to enhance our knowledge of the physics of the ionosphere and radio science. The ionosphere, an upper atmosphere layer between about 60 and 200 miles in altitude, contains charged particles created by solar activity.......