Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 5 | 12.18.2009
PORTSMOUTH, Va. - A Coast Guard C-130 aircraft crew from Air Station Elizabeth City is condcuting a search and rescue patrol along the mid-atlantic region notifying mariners Friday of gale conditions and advising mariners not experienced in those conditions to stay in port....
Audio by Monica Leftwich | U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area | 12.18.2009
PORTSMOUTH, Va. - A Coast Guard HC-130J Hercules aircraft crew from Air Station Elizabeth City is conducting a search and rescue patrol along the mid-atlantic region notifying mariners Friday of gale conditions and advising mariners not experienced in those conditions to stay in port. An excerpt from the broadcast says, "mariners are encouraged to make preparations for heavy weather and......
Courtesy Audio | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 12.18.2009
Talks to a KQAD-AM reporter in Luverne, MN about the rewarding part of her administrative job including controlling the accuracy of when Soldiers get home, keeping in touch with family. Spc. Braa's job as a medic, the most fulfilling part of her job, keeping in touch with home and the holidays deployed and says hello to everyone. ...
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 12.18.2009
Talks to a KKNU reporter in Eugene, OR, about his deployment, his job home as an apprentice electrician, what he wants to do first when he gets back home....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ben Houtkooper | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 12.18.2009
Sends a holiday greeting to family and friends in the Brainerd lakes area in Minn.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ben Houtkooper | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 12.18.2009
Sends a holiday greeting to family and friends in Randal, Minn. area.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ben Houtkooper | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 12.18.2009
Sends holiday greeting to family and friends in the Brainerd lakes, Minn. area.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ben Houtkooper | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 12.18.2009
Sends a greeting to WJJY in Brainerd, MInn.