Audio by Sgt. Matt Flores | Combined Joint Task Force - 82 PAO | 12.04.2009
Commanders and Soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division give a shout out to the Army for the upcoming Army vs. Navy football game. Audio Only....
Audio by Sgt. Matt Flores | Combined Joint Task Force - 82 PAO | 12.04.2009
A group of Soldiers with the 82nd Airborne Division give a shout out to the Army and a group of Sailors give a shout out to the Navy for the upcoming Army vs. Navy football game. Audio Only....
Audio by Sgt. Matt Flores | Combined Joint Task Force - 82 PAO | 12.04.2009
Lt. Cmdr. Morris and Sailors give a shout out to the Navy for the upcoming Army vs. Navy football game. Audio Only.
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 12.04.2009
Talks to a Cumberland Times-News reporter about how long he has been in the military, why he decided to join the military, why he decided to join the Army over the Navy, how many deployments he has been on and his responsibilities overseas....
Audio by Spc. Jessica Cooke | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 12.04.2009
Talks to the host of Fox Sports Game Time React in Los Angeles, Calif., about his duties as brigade food service technician and advisor, his military career history, his favorite sports teams and sends greetings to his family....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 12.04.2009
This edition of Cav Round-Up includes the following stories: Soldiers from the 4th Stryker Brigade discover and clear a weapons cache in western Baghdad. Interview with Sgt. Joshua Rogers 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. 150th Armored Reconnaissance Squadron Soldiers deliver wheel chairs to the local population. Interview with Capt. Thomas Mills, 150th ARS. (Produced by: SFC Brian......
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 12.03.2009
Smoking cessation efforts begin for Airmen in Korea. Hosted by Sgt. Rob Osan
Courtesy Audio | Provincial Reconstruction Team Kunar | 12.03.2009
Talks to a KIRO-AM reporter about his responsibilities in Iraq, the focus of the missions in Iraq right now, the dangers of improvised explosive devices (IED), using modern technology to stay in touch with family members and the differences he has noticed in Iraq over his deployments....