Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Navy Production Division | 11.05.2009
Talks to a Tucson World Daily reporter from Tucson, Ariz., about his background, the commissioning of the USS New York, the events taking place in New York for the USS New York, how part of the hull is made from scrap from the World Trade Center, his responsibility for training and maintenance of the craft. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | Provincial Reconstruction Team Khost | 11.05.2009
Talks to a KIRO-AM reporter about her job responsibilities overseas, informing the local Afghanistan citizens about the good works of the service members, being in a information war with the insurgents, the difficulty of getting information out to the local Afghans and moving towards a Afghan lead media system....
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 11.05.2009
Talks to a KUPL-FM reporter about how his Iraq deployment has been different from his deployment in Afghanistan, getting Iraqis to join the military and taking his golf clubs with him on his deployment and sends a greeting to his family....
Audio by Amanda Filler | Defense Health Agency | 11.05.2009
Dinah Cohen, Director of the Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program, explains the program and how it provides assistive technology and services to people with disabilities, Federal managers, supervisors, IT professionals, and Wounded Service Members....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 11.05.2009
This edition features stories on Soldiers on Victory Base Complex participate in 10K run to honor cancer survivors. Interview with SPC Sandrae Band, 101st Engineer Battalion; The 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Inf. Division Soldiers celebrate their arrival into country. Produced by SGT Ashley Anderson, MND-B Public Affairs Office....
Audio by John Ohab | Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs | 11.04.2009
This edition features a discussion about small embedded transducers that gather sound-wave information, delivering real-time vehicle armor health monitoring systems that could eventually help protect our nation's warfighters. Dr. Thomas Meitzler, scientist at the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC), will discuss how this sensor-enhanced armor could......
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 11.04.2009
This edition features stories on air defense artillery Soldiers participating in the Diablo Inferno combat training program at Camp Casey, Korea and a military working dog and handler working at Kunsan Air Base, Korea. Hosted by Army Sgt. Rob Osan....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division | 11.04.2009
Talks to a reporter in KTEM-AM Temple, Texas, about his job as a combined arms commander in Mosul, Iraq.