Audio by Senior Airman Priscilla Christensen | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.09.2009
Package of country group Sugarland's performance at Aviano Air Base. Produced by Priscilla Christensen. See "Sugarland Concert" in the video section....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Embassy in Baghdad | 03.09.2009
Talks to a KIRO-AM reporter in Seattle, Wash., about his military history, his current mission as the spokesperson for his unit and dealing with the media on touchy issues in Iraq....
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Heise | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 03.09.2009
This edition featurs stories on: Local leaders in Mahmudiya get together with coalition forces to discuss community relations; Significant Act: Two 85mm Russian heat rockets found west of Baghdad and destroyed; Fourteen tractors given to local farmers at Combat Outpost Mead to help improve local agriculture; Heavy equipment class for former Sons of Iraq to improve employment skills. Produced......
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.08.2009
Package about how the Air Force has begun its testing cycle for Airmen to reach the next rank. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jason David....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.08.2009
Package about how Airmen at Incirlik Air Base stay vigilant in base protection from adversaries. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jonathan Porter....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.07.2009
Package about maintenance Airmen testing a rebuilt jet engine. Produced by Petty Officer Eric Crosby.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.06.2009
Package about Marines taking a combat lifesaver's course to learn advanced lifesaving techniques. Also see "Air Force News: Iwakuni Combat Life Saver's Course Package" in the video section. Produced by Cpl Jamie Baker....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.06.2009
Package about a Sailor who revived U.S. citizenship with the U.S. Navy. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick...