Audio by Sgt. Andrew Milner | AFN Afghanistan | 02.06.2009
Package about MCAS Iwakuni practicing base wide readiness and cooperation. Produced by Sgt Andrew Milner.
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 02.06.2009
Talks to a reporter about getting care packages, items in the care packages and the improvements being made in Iraq.
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 02.06.2009
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers train to use non-lethal ammunition. (This story produced by Sgt. Michael Cox, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division); Moment of Valor: Maj. Bradley Boyd. (This story produced by Sgt. Jessie Delker, MND-B). Produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger...
Courtesy Audio | National Guard Bureau | 02.05.2009
Package about Kentucky National Guardsmen rescuing four teenagers after a car accident into a creek. Produced by 1st Lt. Kyle Key...
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 02.05.2009
Talks to a KIRO reporter in Seattle, Wash. about his reasons for joining the military, his experiences being deployed, his duties while deployed, the progress of his mission and his family....
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 02.05.2009
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers hold a Sapper Call event to mark the end of the deployment. (This story produced by Sgt. Lucas Wysocki, MND-B); Raider Brigade Soldiers make upgrades to their unmanned aerial vehicles. (This story produced by Staff Sgt. Vin Stevens, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division). Produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger, MND-B...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.04.2009
Package about the American Forces Network, on Okinawa adding a new channel to off-base authorized decoders. Produced by Cpl. Dane Knapik-Christensen....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.04.2009
Package about the Misawa Aviation and Science museum offering a cultural display of aircrafts from the local Japan air self defense force and the U.S....