Courtesy Audio | 380th Air Expeditionary Wing | 12.01.2008
Talks to the Morrow County Independent in Ohio, about her duty in the military, celebrating the holidays, communicating with loved ones, reasons for staying in the Air Force and plans after the military....
Courtesy Audio | 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 12.01.2008
Talks to WJCL reporters in Savannah, Ga., about the progress being made in his area of operations, celebrating Thanksgiving and how much he appreciates support stateside....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | 11.28.2008
Talks to a Holbrook Tribune News reporter in Holbrook, AZ, about her deployment to Afghanistan, working in the aid station, meeting with local children and playing soccer with them, her future in the service, when she decided to join the military, keeping safe and holidays on the base. Audio only. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 11.28.2008
This edition features stories on: Sgt. Kyle Pflieger reports on Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers celebrate Thanksgiving while deployed with a traditional holiday meal; Spc. Daniel Turner reports on MND-B Soldiers are entertained by a country music star for Thanksgiving. (This story produced by Spc. Daniel Turner.)...
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command | 11.27.2008
Talks to a New Jersey Herald reporter in Newton, N.J. about his duties responsibilities and what it is like being deployed on Thanksgiving....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 11.27.2008
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers provide chemical training for Iraqi army soldiers. (This story produced by Spc. Daniel Turner, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 25th Infantry Division); Moment of Valor: Sgt. Brandon Kellett. (This story produced by Sgt. 1st Class Jeffrey Hilton, MND-B Public Affairs Office) Produced by Sgt.......
Audio by Sgt. Michael Behlin | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 11.26.2008
This edition of the Sustainer Minute reports on how al-Qaida networks have been greatly reduced in Iraq thanks to U.S. and Iraqi security forces arresting several senior al-Qaida leaders. Also, 3rd Sustainment Command Expeditionary celebrated Thanksgiving dinner yesterday....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Theater Sustainment Command | 11.26.2008
Package of service members with the Multi-National Task Force Sinai honoring each nations soldiers and civilians that died in service with Task Force Sinai. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Howard Reed. Audio only....