Audio by Maj. Paul Hayes | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 09.26.2008
This week, 1SG James Tibbs from Corydon Indiana talks to Greg and Hollie about training Iraqi Army mechanics and his unit's partnership with them....
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 09.26.2008
This edition features stories on: A cavalry troop in 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division changes commanders. (This story produced by Staff Sgt. Vin Stevens, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office.); Moment of Valor: 1st Sgt. Patrick Ford. (This story produced by Spc. Lucas Wysocki, Multi-National Division-Baghdad Public Affairs Office.) Produced by Sgt.......
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 09.25.2008
JUNEAU, Alaska - Rear Adm. Gene Brooks, Seventeenth Coast Guard District Commander, interviewed by KUHB Radio.
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 09.25.2008
Talks to a KIRO reporter in Seattle, Wash., about his duty, communicating with loved ones, the biggest challenge with job, the length of his deployment and the progress being made in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 09.25.2008
Talks to a KIIRO-AM reporter in Seattle, WA about his length in the military, his various stations overseas, his job duties as a information technology specialist, keeping his unit's soldiers in contact with family via the internet, the challenges of the job, keeping the lines of communication open, decision making, being from Washington state and Fort Lewis, supporting his family while......
Courtesy Audio | 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 09.25.2008
Talks to a WBMQ reporter in Myrtle Beach, SC, about his job as a Platoon Sergeant for a cavalry troop, the improvements over the last year, why he chose the Army and gives best wishes to his family. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 09.25.2008
Talks to the Hugh Shine Show on KTEM in Killeen, Texas, about her job as a medic, her duties running a troop medical clinic, working with local Iraqi hospitals, how the locals view Americans, her future in the military and private sector, her schooling and Master Degree, how she uses her downtime and thanks him for his support. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet | 09.24.2008
Podcast by Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, who discusses USS George Washington's new role as the Navy's only forward-deployed aircraft carrier....