Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 12.12.2007
This edition features stories on 4th Infantry Division preparing to deploy to Iraq and the selfless service of Soldiers serving in Iraq. Hosted by Army Sgt. Marshall Pesta....
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 12.12.2007
Talks to a BBC Radio reporter in London, about the progress that has been made in Fallujah, support from the central government, eventual withdrawal of the Marines, a security wall that has been built which forces people into security checks around Fallujah, the battles that have taken place to secure Fallujah, how the locals are supporting the coalition and Iraqi security forces and the drop......
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 12.11.2007
SEATTLE - A crew member aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star conducts preventive maintenance by cleaning one its anchors....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 12.11.2007
SEATTLE - The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Henry Blake inspects and repairs a buoy in the Straits of Juan De Fuca.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 12.11.2007
SEATTLE - The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Henry Blake inspects and repairs a buoy in the Straits of Juan De Fuca.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 12.11.2007
SEATTLE - A food specialist aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Healy prepares an afternoon meal for the crew.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 12.11.2007
SEATTLE - A Boarding Officer conducts detainment training for BTM qualifications.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 12.11.2007
SEATTLE - A engineer crew from Station Seattle replaces a search light aboard a 41-foot utility boat.