Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 8 | 08.31.2007
GALVESTON, Texas - Lt. j.g. Joel Salgado, the chief of the Response Department at Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Galveston, talks about his team, who conducts boardings of high interest vessels coming into port in Houston, Galveston and Texas City....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 8 | 08.31.2007
GALVESTON, Texas - Petty Officer 3rd Class Jacob Ellis talks about his experiences as a boarding team member with Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Galveston, including a boarding conducted July 12, 2007....
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 08.31.2007
Talks to a WBAP-AM reporter in Dallas, Texas, about his duties as an Air Force officer supporting the Army ground forces in Iraq, citizens helping identify insurgents, his family military history and what he misses about Dallas....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 08.31.2007
This edition features stories on bomb making materials found after a tip from a citizen, celebrating Women's Equality Day and a basketball league comprised of Soldiers over the age of thirty. Hosted by Sgt. 1st Class Marty Collins....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 08.31.2007
Talks to a KBCT-FM reporter in Waco, Texas, about her military job, what she missed most about home and then sends a greeting to family members in Texas....
Courtesy Audio | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.30.2007
Talks to a KTEM reporter in Temple, Texas, about his military background, job responsibilities, the improvements in technology since he joined the Army, his plans after retirement, communicating with his family, when he is scheduled to return home and how he spends his time in Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 08.30.2007
Talks to a WCGR-AM reporter in Geneva, N.Y., about the duties of his unit, working with military from other countries, their access to current news, their living conditions, how the Iraqi citizens perceive the military presence, differentiating between Sunis and Shiites and the effectiveness of the Soldiers working in Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division | 08.30.2007
Talks to a Westminster News reporter in Westminster, S.C., about the support he receives from the people of his home community, the duration of his tour in Iraq and the changes he has seen since arriving in country....