Courtesy Audio | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 12.19.2006
This is the Dec 19, 2006 edition. Produced by Sgt. Stephen Roach.
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 12.19.2006
On this edition of Boots on the Ground Iraqi National Police polish their skills as National Police Transition Teams instruct them on basic policing skills. Features interviews with Major Ian Glover, Team Chief National Police Transition Team 1st Battalion, 8th Brigade, 2nd Division Iraqi National Police and Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Robbins, Contracting Officer Representative for Civilian......
Courtesy Audio | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 12.18.2006
In this edition of Cav Roundup Iraqi Army and 10th Mountain Soldiers extinguish a fire and Bill O'Rielly from the FOX newtork's "O'Rielly Factor" visits Baghdad. Produced by Sgt. Stephen Roach....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 12.16.2006
This edition of the OIF Update features Insurgents attacking Iraqi Police barracks, 8th Iraqi National Police Brigade graduation, Attempted Golden Mosque bombing, Fifth Corps Transfer of Authority and Insurgents ambush Iraqi Policemen in Ramadi. Produced by Army Sgt. Tom Conning. ...
Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 12.15.2006
Battle buddies from different sides of the world. American soldiers and Iraqi national police officers connect in Samarra to learn from each other as they walk the city streets of Samarra, Iraq. Produced by Staff Sgt. Eric Pahon...
Courtesy Audio | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 12.15.2006
Today's cast is a look back at last years elections which happened on the 15th of December. Produced by Sgt. Stephen Roach...
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Force Iraq Public Affairs | 12.13.2006
On this edition of Boots on the Ground we look at a married couple who have experienced the trials and rewards of deployments and training together. Produced by Sgt. Tom Conning...
Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 12.09.2006
Coalition forces in Samarra, Iraq are trying to open dialogue and promote new relationships between Sunni and Shia Muslims. They hope this will lend credibility to the largely Shia-run government in the area. Produced by Staff Sgt. Eric Pahon....